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Truth In Satire
Trump Signs Historic Agreement To Host “Miss North Korea Beauty Pageant”
President also agrees to be judge for first-ever bathing suit competition in a communist country

Playing to his strengths during a summit meeting with Supreme Leader Kim Jong-Un, President Donald Trump signed a historic agreement in Singapore on Tuesday morning agreeing to host the “Miss North Korea Beauty Pageant.”

“I’m very excited to legitimize the ruthless dictatorship of my good friend Kim Jong-Un by accepting an invitation to host his country’s super sexy communist beauty pageant to be held in the North Korean capital of Poontang next month,” said the president in comments to the global press corps. “I’m also honored to be asked by this extremely nice man to be one of the judges for the swimsuit competition which is, frankly, my favorite part of every pageant along with sneaking into the contestants’ dressing rooms. Anyway, I know this is going to be a really top of the line event and I’m just happy to be part of it. Thank you, Kim.”