Truth In Satire

Trump Flicks Last Shred Of Dignity From France’s Macron

President belittles French leader with gesture viewed as offensive to the visiting foreign dignitary

Allan Ishac
2 min readApr 25, 2018


President Trump wipes any remaining “amour propre” from the French president. (Credit:

In a blunt departure from standard protocol during the visit of a foreign dignitary on Tuesday, President Donald Trump reached over and picked “dandruff” off the shoulder of President Emmanuel Macron of France. The gesture simultaneously brushed any remaining self-respect from the European leader.

“We have a very special relationship, in fact I’ll get that little piece of dandruff off,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office as he reached for Mr. Macron’s suit. “We have to make him perfect,” added Mr. Trump in a remark viewed as insulting, but that Mr. Macron seemed to take in stride.

President Trump said he forced Mr. Macron to awkwardly raise his arms “so I could check for stains under his armpits. I want him perfect, you know.” (Credit:

It didn’t please the French people, however, or critics of the president commenting on Twitter, who called the sudden gesture by President Trump a diplomatic “power grab.”

“It’s unusual behavior, certainly,” said presidential historian and MSNBC contributor, Michael Beschloss, “and it’s not hard to understand…



Allan Ishac

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at