Trump Takes Credit For Other Famous Walls Around The World

After signing an executive order for his Mexican wall, the president falsely claimed involvement in great walls worldwide

Allan Ishac


President Trump said The Great Wall of China would not have been possible without “a loan I gave the Chinks to buy the concrete.” This is a lie as the wall was erected in the 14th Century long before he was born.

Feeling intoxicated after signing an executive order to begin the building of his Mexican border wall, President Donald Trump let loose with a string of falsehoods, taking full or partial credit for many famous walls around the world.

Here is some of what he said during an hour long cock and bull story in the Oval Office on Thursday.

The president says he advised the East Germans on building the wall at the young age of 15.

The Berlin Wall

“Even at the age of 15, I was considered one of the greatest builders in the history of the world,” said the president. “Knowing this, the East Germans came to me in 1961 and asked me how to keep the the eastern Krauts from escaping over to the western Kraut side of Berlin. I told them to throw up a 12-foot-high, 96-mile long wall. Worked like a charm. Very sorry to see it come down in ’89. Sad. And just FYI, even though some people called it the Iron Curtain, I specified no iron in the construction, and definitely no curtains.”



Allan Ishac

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at