Truth In Satire

Omarosa Manigault’s Last 20 Minutes In The White House

A leaked, minute-by-minute account of the former reality TV star’s forcible exit from Trump’s inner circle

Allan Ishac
9 min readDec 19, 2017


Ms. Manigault Newman sheds alligator tears one last time, before being forcibly escorted from the White House on Tuesday. (Credit:

Everybody’s favorite TV villain, Omarosa Manigault Newman, was terminated from her job as director of communications for the White House Office of Public Liaison on Tuesday and, by all accounts, her exit was confrontational and dramatic.

The former contestant on Donald Trump’s long-running show, The Apprentice, who inexplicably landed a position in the his administration and was the only high-ranking African-American woman on the president’s staff, is telling a different story. According to Manigault Newman, she was not fired by Chief of Staff John Kelly and was not forcibly removed from the White House grounds.

Donald Trump’s vicious vixen was despised by her White House peers from day one. (Credit:

But a leaked Secret Service account of her last 20 minutes in Donald Trump’s employment confirms that the inordinately obnoxious Omarosa was escorted away in a hail of flying fingernails, hair pulling, stiletto heel side kicks, obscenity outbursts, and high-octane physical hostility that had the White…



Allan Ishac

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at