Truth In Satire

My Year Of Living In Donald Trump’s Hair

Drash, a Golden Lion Tamarin monkey, talks about his intimate, 13-month, relationship with the controversial American president

Allan Ishac
5 min readJun 25, 2018


Drash was proud to be a perfect color match for President Trump’s famous tresses. (Credit: and

For the first time, a courageous Tamarin monkey named Drash speaks about his experience living inside Donald Trump’s hair during the 2016 campaign for president. Almost no one knew he was there:

Mr. Donald Trump hired me in the late summer of 2015 to cover a bald spot on the right rear quadrant of his magnificent head. It was a calculated decision by his campaign staff to make his hair look fuller and the candidate look younger at a time when the critical Republican debates were shifting into high gear.

It was an honor to be Mr. Donald Trump’s “simian secret” for a period of about 13 months. I was there through all the campaign events, the launch of the general election race, during the grueling Cleveland convention and, finally, for the three feisty presidential debates with Mrs. Hillary Clinton.



Allan Ishac

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at