Allan Ishac’s Naked Satire

I Think I Was Hacked By That Fat Guy With A Computer Who Trump Warned Us About

My political satire is getting a ton of views from Razvilka, Russia — which is really weird because I don’t know anybody in Razvilka

Allan Ishac
4 min readOct 22, 2017


Could this be the 400lb computer nerd the president alerted us to? Do they have McDonalds in Razvilka?! (Credit:

The other night my computer wizard friend, I’ll call him John S., came over to help analyze some data from my website and see how I might “optimize” my site.

About ten minutes in, he suggested we take a look at the unique visitor log, see where the people checking out my site were coming from.

That’s when we both had a shock. Because, it turns out, I’m getting a lot of traffic from a remote village in central Russia called Razvilka. What the f — k?

The big fella in Russia eats a lot, sleeps a lot, and hacks a lot. I’m scared. (Credit:

Let me clarify: my posts are 95% political satire and all are written in English. Satire is a subtle kind of humor that doesn’t translate well across borders, cultures, or languages. And American politics is an opaque, chaotic affair to most people living in other countries, especially totalitarian ones. In other words, not many foreigners…



Allan Ishac

Author of The Mystic In The Mews ( Satirist. Humor writer. Former advertising creative director. Visit me at